
Preventing Colic In Horses

In the horse world, the term colic is never something you want to hear. As you may know, colic is extremely dangerous for horses, and can be fatal. In fact, it’s the leading cause of death for horses. While there’s no way to completely eliminate the risk of your horse getting colic, there are some things you can do to help prevent it. A local Marshall County, MS vet offers some tips on preventing colic in this article.

Dental Care

If Silver has dental problems, he won’t be able to chew properly, and may swallow his food nearly whole. This will definitely increase his risk of getting colic! Have your horse’s teeth checked and floated regularly.

Feed Properly

We can’t overstate the importance of good feeding practices. Silver will need a few daily servings of grain, as well as high-quality hay. Getting the right balance of grain and hay can be tricky, so if you aren’t sure what’s best for your horse, consult your vet. Also, be sure to make any feed adjustments slowly. Sudden changes in diet can lead to colic.


If you’ve ever watched horses in a pasture, you may have noticed that they’re always on the move. They don’t necessarily trot around all day, but they do continuously meander about as they graze. Standing in a stall all the time really isn’t good for Silver. Make sure that your horse is getting enough exercise and turnout time.

Clean Water

Scrubbing buckets isn’t fun, but it is necessary. Dirty buckets quickly get contaminated with bugs and bacteria, which can cause gastrointestinal issues. Keep Silver’s water buckets full and clean!


Sand can wreak havoc on horses’ digestive systems. If your paddocks or pastures are sandy, your horse will be at risk of sand colic. Avoid feeding Silver on sandy ground. Put his hay and grain in secured troughs or buckets that he can’t knock over.

Parasite Control

Parasites are another common cause of colic. Keep up with Silver’s deworming/parasite control regimen. Also, remove manure from paddocks and fields regularly.

Cool Down

As you probably know, cooling your horse down after vigorous exercise is crucial. Always walk Silver after a vigorous ride. Don’t put him back in his stall until he’s completely cooled off.

Please contact us, your Marshall County, MS vet clinic, for all your horse’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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